Jamie Dornan


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The first man I shall profile on this blog is the current love of my life, Jamie Dornan. He’s from Northern Ireland, which “technically” means he’s not British. But it’s semantics. Northern Ireland is part of the UK. And the Irish accent is my second favorite accent on a man.

In any event, Jamie is definitely characteristic of my type. Dark hair. Pretty eyes. Intense (at least in photos and movies/tv). He’s pretty much perfect. (I am not going to get into the whole 50 Shades debate. Suffice it to say I will NOT be seeing the movie.) Yes, he’s super creepy as Paul Spector in The Fall. But he’s SUPPOSED to be. That just shows he has talent. He’s not just a pretty face.

Jamie is married with a baby girl and lives a quiet life, which I respect tremendously. Just throwing that out there before I totes objectify him like nobody’s business.

Here we go…….

Here is Jamie looking perfect. It seems like a casual shot but who knows? He looks amazing and thoughtful here. Plus, I love the little hair flip. And the facial scruff. God, don’t get me started on the scruff.



My favorite Jamie Dornan role to date has been Sheriff Graham on Once Upon A Time. I believe the below image is a perhaps a promo shot from that show. It certainly looks like Graham’s leather jacket.



While I’m on the subject of Sheriff Graham, I have a little rant I want to get off my chest. Who casts someone as hot as Jamie as a (unfortunately) minor character on Once Upon A Time when there aren’t really any other super hot guys on the show only to KILL HIM OFF midway through the first season? The guy they got for “Prince Charming”? Don’t get me wrong. He’s not terrible looking. But Jamie is SO MUCH HOTTER it’s ridiculous.

Friends, let me assure you that the traumas a girl suffers at 3am are not easily overcome. I was watching the show on a Netflix binge. The episode where Sheriff Graham’s heart is crushed (literally and figuratively) came on around 3am for me. I was emotionally unprepared. Thank you, producers of Once Upon A Time. You screwed the pooch. I am still not over the death of my beloved Sheriff Graham. I’m not entirely sure I ever will be. And for that, I refused to watch seasons 2 or 3 of the show. (But now I’m thinking I will watch season 3 because a new hot Irish guy is on there…..more on that another day!)

Finally, let us not forget that Jamie got his start in showbiz as a model. Yes, a Calvin Klein model. So there are TONS of underwear shots online. However, there are also some shots of him modeling CK clothes. I particularly like this one.


Dayum. Just saying.

And this one.


I don’t think this is CK. But he’s too scrumptious to pass up.

Finally, another modeling shot. Look at his beautiful eyes. The scruff. THE LIPS. Tell me he isn’t perfect. TELL ME!! Le sigh.


His wife is seriously lucky.

Blog devoted to my favorite obsession

I love men. I. Love. Men. Especially British men. British in my mind includes Irish men, for the record. It’s not accurate but it works.

In any event, I decided to start a second blog to update the world on all my favorite British men. I will post pictures and generally fangirl to extremes about my men. I hope you are ready.